Fortunately to me, my director is very good about letting me "use his name in vain" for some of my silly poems and parodies. And Joe is so easy to rhyme! Here's something I wrote for our newsletter just before Christmas. It's unique to my mountain, but I think any ski or snowboard instructor could relate!
Dear Santa, We want you to know we’ve been good! We’ve helped out each other whenever we could. We’ve eaten our veggies, washed many dishes. Won’t you deliver a few Christmas wishes? We want our instructors to help our new crew. Before long, we won’t know the old from the new! Ask all of our staff, recent pics to upload Into When I Work, so their faces are “showed.” Fill up the clinics with folks eager to learn To better their style and improve their turns. Give our instructors skills and patience they need. Have all of the lifts run with safety and speed. And bring to the mountain beginners to teach All colors and cultures — no one’s out of reach. Let’s help timid sliders to work on their fears And bring us Explorers with laughter, not tears. Please give us some time to get out on the hills So we can enjoy lots of wintery thrills. For all of Blue Mountain’s Instructors, Love, Joe P.S. One more thing - bring us lots of great snow!
AuthorWelcome! This site was originally intended to focus on skiing and snowboarding, but I've included marathons and some family adventures as well. Thanks for visiting. Categories
November 2021